Arts & Crafts

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Crafts for Kids You Won’t Want to Throw Away

Your heart melted when your kiddo brought home their first piece of artwork from school, and it still does every time, but your home is now overflowing with drawings and paintings. While these are all great, it might be time to expand beyond those marker sketches and glued-macaroni pictures to new and exciting crafts. Next time your kids are in a creative mood, try one of these kid-tested and parent-approved crafts you’ll be eager to display.

Tulip One Step Tie Dye Kit

Tie-Dye for Kids

Have a tie-dying day to create fun shirts and accessories that kids can use again and again. Try dying shirts, jeans, hoodies, canvas shoes, or even sheets to use during summer picnics. It’s so simple to do that both kids and parents will have a blast. The various tie-dye techniques - from crumple to spiral - make every product unique and a true piece of art. Plus, kids will love showing off their handiwork each time they wear their tie-dyed attire. Remember to pre-wash new clothes or linens before tie-dying and to do the activity outdoors if possible to avoid a colorful mess inside.

Snowman Ornament Kids Craft

Holiday Crafts for Kids

Holiday crafts have a nifty dual purpose. They’re fun to create and they can be displayed around the house during their respective holiday season. Create a kid’s Christmas calendar to count down the days during the holiday season, a patriotic sparkler sans actual sparks for the Fourth of July, adorable pie boxes for sending leftovers home with guests after Thanksgiving, or Easter eggs that add a colorful touch to your home. After the celebration is done, replace the seasonal decorations with new crafts for a fun change of scenery.

Craftivity Trendy Tank Kit

Craft Gifts for Kids

Crafts are even more fun if your kids can give them away as homemade gifts. They can create clothing items or jewelry for friends, teacher-appreciation gifts for their favorite teachers, and easy-to-make, inexpensive gifts with art supplies on hand for family members. Your kids will love the pride that comes with making someone happy, and the crafts won’t clutter up your home. Win-win situation, if you ask us.

Craft Smart Recycling Kit

Recycled Crafts for Kids

Go a little greener this year by turning potential trash into awesomely cool recycled crafts. With a little creativity and glue, you can take steps to reduce trash that would otherwise end up in a landfill by reusing materials that have loads of interesting decorating potential. Skeptical? Peep these too cute bottle-cap magnets that add a colorful, retro flair to any fridge. Save egg cartons for crafts like flowers or planters, try pop-can art with cans and paint, or turn old newspapers into creative paper-mache masks.

Sci-Fi Slime Craft

Educational Crafts for Kids

While all crafts benefit kids by encouraging creativity and exercising their imagination, some also have the potential to teach them valuable lessons. Try a science craft that will allow elementary-age kids to improve their STEM skills in a fun way that feels just like play, or try an educational craft for preschoolers such as a homemade activity book featuring felt or craft foam shapes ideal for preschool-age learning.

Travel Activity Kit for Kids

Activity Kits for Kids

These handy boxes full of supplies come complete with everything needed for your chosen craft. Plus, most kits come with enough supplies to make multiple crafts that can be saved and completed later. Try one that’s out of the ordinary, like a terrarium or plant kit that will add greenery to your home or a grab-and-go craft box that will keep your kids entertained everywhere from the car to the dentist office waiting room.

Rock a Doodle Craft Kit

Outdoor Crafts for Kids

During warmer months when the gorgeous weather inspires family strolls through the neighborhood, crafts that can be displayed outdoors add playful colors and personality to your home’s curb appeal. Use pottery or clay to create decorative flower pots, paint rocks to decorate your garden or add color to your fence, or get super crazy and up the messy fun with a summer activity that truly can only be done outdoors - like a colorful, foamy car wash the whole family will have a blast with.

Bead Bouquet for Kids

Crafts for Kids to Sell

For young entrepreneurs, starting a small business and earning a few extra dollars can provide valuable experience. It can teach them about responsible spending and how to get the best return on investment ratio, how hard work can pay off in the end, and provide an introduction to communication and sales skills. While starting a lemonade stand is always a classic, going with a craft that can be used multiple times may work out better. Try suggesting a craft like jewelry or keychains with beads or creating small pottery items using clay and paint.